Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mother (& Father) Knows Best...

I did it Mom & Dad! Despite the fact that you literally had to pry me out of the car to get me here 4 long years ago, and I came the whole way kicking and screaming. I did it. 

Today was my very last day as a student at BYU-Idaho! I'm student teaching in the Fall so I'm not technically done...But I consider student teaching to be the beginning of my career just not being paid for it. (Which isn't ideal, but it's fine.) 

For those of you who know me well, you know I can tend to be overly sentimental about things. The majority of my day was spent holding back tears as I walked through campus, presented a final project, and took my last few finals in the testing center. Yes, I actually had to hold back tears thinking about the fact that it was my very last test I'll ever take in the testing center, the place I loathe most on campus.

This just goes to show how wonderful my experience here at BYU-I has been. Now, I'm not going to tell you it was all rainbows and butterflies. My first semester here, I spent countless nights homesick missing my friends and family. It was a difficult adjustment to become used to such a monocultural environment. I had some questionable professors and met some peers with differing perspectives (something I know I'll find everywhere.) But,  I'm proud to say that despite my time spent here in this Mormon bubble, I did not become a crazy, self-righteous, perfection seeking stereotypical Mormon girl like I'd thought I would if I stayed here for too long. I mean sure, I did what you all said I would do, but never thought I would, and got married at the ripe young age of 20...But I'm okay with the fact that I upheld that stereotype because it turned out to be the best decision of my life.

This little town of Rexburg Idaho has surprisingly been one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. Here, I found the love of my life, friends that I will have forever, gained a wonderful education, and learned so much about myself. 

These past three semesters were the most influential & stressful of my college career. Note to students- going three semesters back to back taking 18 credits is never an ideal situation, EVER. But you know, because I was so engrossed with my education I found myself learning in much more depth had I had more time on my hands. I could not have made it through though without my awesome professors. You know, that is my number one favorite thing about going to school here. Every professor you have knows you by name. They know your strengths and weaknesses and go above and beyond to help you in whatever ways they can. 

Anyways, I could go on and on about how much I loved my time here as a student...(wow, high school senior Katie would never think those words would ever come out of her mouth.) I am thankful for parents who had my best interest at heart and gave me the extra push I needed to become the person they knew I wanted to be. 

Turns out, Mother & Father really do know what's best...fancy that. 

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